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Writer's pictureAussie Dadding

10 Essential Things You Need To Know About Your Kids To Keep Them Safe

Aussie Dadding Dad Protecting child

As a dad, you’re not just the master of the barbecue or the weekend footy coach; you’re the guardian of your kids’ safety. It’s a big world out there, and while we can’t wrap our kids in bubble wrap (as much as we’d sometimes like to), we can make sure we’re clued up on the essentials to keep them safe. So, let’s jump into the key things you need to be aware of:


1. Who’s in their circle?


Know your child's friends and their families. It's not about being nosy; it's about understanding who they're spending time with and ensuring those influences align with your family’s values. Don’t forget to find out who else spends time at the houses they play and stay at.


2. Online savvy


Get up to speed with the digital playground. Understand the apps, games, and social media platforms your kids use. Set rules for online behaviour, monitor their activity, and educate them about online privacy and the dangers of oversharing.


3. Daily routines


Keep tabs on their daily goings-on. What’s their route to school? Who do they hang out with after classes? Routine is your friend here, and any deviation might be a cue for a check-in.


4. Health essentials


Be in the know about any allergies, medical conditions, or medications. Whether it’s a peanut allergy or asthma, this knowledge can be crucial in an emergency.


5. Open dialogue


Foster an environment where they can talk about anything, from the new kid at school to a weird encounter on the bus. It’s vital they feel comfortable raising concerns without fear of overreaction.


6. Trust your gut


Kids don’t always tell you everything, but changes in behaviour can be tell-tale signs. Trust your instincts—if something feels off, it probably is.


7. Emergency smarts


Ensure they know what to do in an emergency. Drill into them important contact numbers, how to dial Triple Zero (000), and basic first aid.



8. The 'No Secrets' rule


Encourage a 'no secrets' policy. Make it clear that if someone asks them to keep a secret from you, they should tell you immediately.


9.  Independence with caution


Teach them age-appropriate independence but set clear boundaries. It could be walking to the local shop alone or checking in regularly when they’re out with friends.


10.  Respect and consent


Educate them about personal boundaries, respect, and consent. Explain that their body is their own and they have the right to say no.


It’s a fine line we tread as dads—guiding without gating, protecting without smothering. The goal? To arm our kids with the savvy to keep themselves safe, not out of fear, but for their freedom to explore life confidently. This isn't about being overbearing; it’s about being their safety net as they learn to fly solo. And while they may grumble now about ‘Dad’s rules’, one day they’ll get it—every ‘be careful’ is really just another way of saying ‘I love you’.


Set time for a safety talk with the kids tonight and start the habit of regularly discussing ALL 10 tips above.



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