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Writer's pictureAussie Dadding

Dads, Dragons and Diaries: Storytelling Like A Pro

Aussie Dadding - Dad Storytelling Tips

Grab a torch and settle into your favourite beanbag; we're diving into the vast sea of imagination. Storytime is more than a bedtime routine; it's a bridge to worlds unknown, a place where your little ones get to explore and stretch the edges of their minds.


Embrace the Hero's Journey


First rule of Dad Storytelling Club? There are no rules, except making sure your kid's the hero. And not just any hero – the kind who can tackle the Mount Everest of homework piles and the dark forests of "vegetable-infested" dinner plates. Whether they're battling maths or befriending the new kid, frame their daily adventures as part of their hero's journey.


Vague Is The Villain!


No one wants a story that's as clear as mud. Amp up the details and the throw in the dad jokes. That dragon isn't just big and scaly. Its nostrils are flaring like grandpa on a brisk walk, and its breath’s hotter than the fish fingers you left in the oven a tad too long. Maybe your dragon can't stop telling riddles, or your wizard only speaks in limericks. Keep 'em laughing, and they'll keep listening.


Co-Created Adventures


Dive into a tale with your kiddo as co-captain of the story. When you toss them a "What happens next?", you'll be amazed at where their limitless imagination can take you both. In their world of wonder, your living space becomes an enchanted realm. Pillows morph into stone fortresses, blankets cascade into majestic waterfalls, and the dog's now a mythical creature. Who knew that letting their creativity run free could turn the ordinary into the extraordinary?


Dad's Moral Compass


Sneak in a lesson like you sneak veggies into a smoothie. It's all about the covert ops of parenting. Who says you can't teach the values of sharing with a tale of knights dividing their treasure, or the importance of brushing teeth to keep the 'Cavity Creep' at bay?

Dive into a tale with your kiddo as co-captain of the story. When you toss them a "What happens next?", you'll be amazed at where their limitless imagination can take you both.

And They Lived...


Leave 'em hanging like the mystery of the missing remote. Every story should have a breadcrumb trail leading to the next, ensuring they're dreaming of adventures instead of asking for just one more glass of water.


Award-Winning Performance Tips

1.     Embody Each Character: Find the unique voice that brings every character to life, from the whisper of the shy mouse to the bellow of the boisterous bear.

2.     Engage with Questions: Invite speculation. "What do you reckon the monster under the bed is afraid of?" This turns passive listening into interactive exploration.

3.     Draw Real-Life Parallels: Tie the tale to their world. The dragon's cave isn't so different from their toy-cluttered playroom, after all.

4.     Cultivate Curiosity: Before flipping the page, prompt with a “Guess what happens now?” and watch as the excitement bubbles up like a cauldron over a wizard’s flame.

5.     Debrief the Adventure: Once the tale is told, it's time for the post-story pow-wow. Ask them what treasures they found in the story. What twists would they have added? If they were the authors, how would their version end?


From Storytelling to Story Reading

For book-loving dads, remember the magic of reading aloud. It’s about giving voice to adventures, animating characters, and vividly painting the story’s canvas with your words. Kick off with some of our faves...

1.     "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak: Venture into the wild with Max and discover where imagination can take us.

2.     "The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson: Rhymes and wit lead the way in this forest full of creatures cunning and clever.

3.     "Goodnight Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown: Bid goodnight to the world with a rhythm that soothes and enchants.

4.     "The Day the Crayons Quit" by Drew Daywalt: A colourful revolt that teaches diversity and perspective.

5.     "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss: Embark on a journey of self-discovery and resilience, wrapped in Seuss's timeless verse.


End of the night and story's done? Good job, you’ve nailed it. You're not just tucking them in, you're launching them into dreamland – adventures, dragons, and all. And in those dreams? You're the hero.


Put your new storytelling prowess to the test on the kiddos tonight, and don't forget to ask them if they enjoyed it!


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