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Writer's pictureAussie Dadding

From Discipline to Empathy: Shifting Parenting Style

Parenting styles from discipline to empathy Aussie Dadding

Remember when getting a telling-off meant being grounded for what felt like forever? Times have changed, and so has our understanding of effective parenting. Moving from a strict, discipline-focused approach to one centred on empathy can transform your relationship with your kids.


The Old School Approach

Many of us grew up with a more authoritarian style of parenting, where rules were rigid, and punishments were swift. This approach might have kept us in line, but it often lacked the warmth and understanding that kids need to thrive. Reflect on those “my way or the highway” moments and consider how they shaped your view of authority and discipline.

"Empathy in parenting creates a safe and nurturing environment where children can flourish. It helps them develop into emotionally healthy and resilient individuals."


Why Empathy Matters

Empathy in parenting means understanding and sharing the feelings of your kids. It’s about seeing things from their perspective and responding with compassion. This approach not only builds trust but also encourages emotional intelligence and resilience. Kids who feel understood are more likely to communicate openly and develop a secure sense of self.

Making the Shift

  1. Listen More, Lecture Less

  • Instead of jumping straight to punishment, take the time to listen to your child’s side of the story.

  • Action Step: Next time a conflict arises, sit down and have a calm discussion. Ask questions and listen without interrupting.


  1. Validate Their Feelings

  • Acknowledge your child's emotions, even if you don’t agree with their behaviour.

  • Action Step: Use phrases like “I can see you’re really upset” to show you understand their feelings.


  1. Set Clear, Fair Boundaries

  • Kids still need structure, but it should be explained and reasonable.

  • Action Step: Work with your child to set rules that are fair and understandable. Explain the reasons behind them.


  1. Model Empathy

  • Show empathy in your interactions with others. Kids learn a lot by watching their parents.

  • Action Step: Demonstrate empathy in everyday situations, like expressing concern for a friend or understanding your partner’s feelings.


  1. Use Positive Reinforcement

  • Focus on rewarding good behaviour rather than just punishing the bad.

  • Action Step: Praise your child when they show empathy or handle a situation well. Positive reinforcement can be a powerful motivator.


Shifting from a discipline-focused parenting style to one based on empathy isn’t just about being kinder; it’s about fostering a deeper connection with your kids. By understanding their feelings and showing compassion, you help them grow into emotionally intelligent and confident individuals.



Tonight, take a moment to talk with your kids about their day. Listen actively, validate their feelings, and show empathy in your responses.





  • The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson: Offers strategies for nurturing your child’s developing mind with empathy and understanding.

  • No-Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson: A guide to effective and empathetic discipline techniques.


  • Parental As Anything: Hosted by Maggie Dent, this podcast covers various parenting topics, including moving from discipline to empathy.

  • The Parenting Spectrum: Discusses different parenting styles and how empathy can improve parent-child relationships.

  • Respectful Parenting: Janet Lansbury Unruffled: Focuses on respectful and empathetic parenting techniques.

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