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Writer's pictureAussie Dadding

Help, My Kid's a Teenager! 5 Ways to Survive the Turbulent Years

Aussie Dadding - Help For Dad With Teenager

Navigating the teenage years is like trying to untangle a ball of Christmas lights – it's messy, frustrating, and makes you want to pull your hair out. Here's our guide to smoothing the challenge.

1. Understand the Teenage Mind

Remember what it's like to be a teenager? Those raging hormones, confusing emotions, and constant identity crises? Yeah, it's no walk in the park. Teenagers' brains are still developing, especially in areas related to decision-making and impulse control. So, cut them some slack and try to see things from their perspective.

2. Break Down the Brick Wall

Trying to have a conversation with a teenager can feel like talking to a brick wall. Keep the lines of communication open, even if it feels like you're talking to yourself. Eventually, they'll come around, and when they do, be ready to listen more than you speak.

3. Set Boundaries (And Stick to Them)

Teenagers are notorious boundary-pushers. It's like a game of "how far can I go before dad loses it?" Set clear rules and consequences, and don't back down. Let the small stuff slide and save your energy for the big battles – like curfews, grades, and personal safety. Show them what it means to be respectful, responsible, and resilient.

Navigating the teenage years is like trying to untangle a ball of Christmas lights – it's messy, frustrating, and makes you want to pull your hair out.

4. Stay Calm & Dad On

Teenagers have a knack for pushing our buttons like no one else. But losing your cool only adds fuel to the fire. Take a deep breath, count to ten, and respond with patience and understanding. It's like playing a game of emotional poker – keep your cards close to your chest and play it cool.

5. Build A Dads Army

Dads aren't known for asking for help, but sometimes we need it. Reach out to other parents, join support groups, or seek advice from the experts. There's no shame in admitting when you feel like you're losing your shit, and after a few shared teenager stories with you're mates, you'll likely walk away thinking it's not so bad after all.

In the whirlwind of adolescence, teenagers often resemble tornadoes in human form – unpredictable, loud, and occasionally destructive. As dads, navigating this tumultuous phase is crucial for fostering healthy relationships and guiding our children toward adulthood. By embracing the ride, maintaining open communication, setting boundaries, and offering unwavering support, we provide the stability and guidance they need to navigate these turbulent years.


Today, have a chat with your teenager about their favourite music or hobbies, showing them you're interested in their world.




The Dad Whisperer Podcast hosted by Dr. Larry Hagner


Dr. Justin Coulson - Dr. Coulson is a parenting expert and author, offering practical advice and insights into parenting teenagers.

Dr. Laura Markham - Dr. Markham is a clinical psychologist specializing in child development and offers guidance on fostering strong parent-child relationships, including with teenagers.


Healthy Children - A website by the American Academy of Pediatrics providing comprehensive information on parenting teenagers, covering topics from physical health to emotional well-being.


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