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Writer's pictureAussie Dadding

One-on-One Time: How To Make Each Child Feel Special

One-on-One Time: How To Make Each Child Feel Special

Finding time to give each of your kids some individual attention can seem as impossible as keeping the peace at a family reunion. But it’s worth the effort – those moments can create bonds stronger than reinforced steel. Here’s how to make each of your kids feel like the MVP of your world.

Carve Out Time

Making time for each child doesn’t mean you need a 25th hour in the day. Look for small pockets of time – whether it's during a quick grocery run or while waiting for their siblings' practice to end. The goal is to make the time you do have count. Dr. Jane Nelsen, a clinical psychologist, suggests,


"Spending quality one-on-one time with each child is crucial for their emotional development and helps strengthen the parent-child relationship."


Tailor Your Time

Every kid is different. What makes one feel special might bore another. Tailor your one-on-one time to each child’s interests. If your daughter loves painting, grab some canvases and get messy together. If your son is into football, have a kickabout in the park. It’s these personalised moments that make them feel truly seen and appreciated.

Unplug and Engage

Put the phone away, turn off the TV, and give your child your full attention. Active listening and engagement show that you value this time together. It’s not just about being physically present but also mentally and emotionally available. This undivided attention can turn even a simple walk into a memorable bonding experience.

Mix Routine with Surprise

Routine is comforting, but a bit of spontaneity can make one-on-one time extra special. Plan regular activities that your kids can look forward to, but don’t be afraid to throw in a surprise trip to their favourite ice cream shop or an unexpected night of camping in the garden. These surprises keep things fun and show that you’re thinking about ways to make them happy.

Share Stories and Laughs

Use one-on-one time to share stories – both yours and theirs. Talk about your day, your childhood, or even make up silly tales together. Laughter is a great bonding tool and can turn any mundane moment into a cherished memory.

Making each child feel special through dedicated one-on-one time not only strengthens your bond but also boosts their confidence and emotional well-being. Remember, it's the little things that count the most. So go ahead, be the dad who knows how to make every moment count.


Schedule a time with each child this week and make that time theirs to do their favourite thing.






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