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Writer's pictureAussie Dadding

Starting from Scratch: Building Trust with Your Child Again

building trust again with your child

Jumping back into your child's life after a period away? It's like stepping onto a moving treadmill – tricky, but not impossible. Let's walk through the process of rebuilding trust, turning past hurdles into future connections.

The Core of the Matter

Restoring a bond with your child is all about action, not just words. It's about showing up, being honest, and being there. Children have a radar for authenticity, and they can tell when you mean business.

The Building Blocks

Straight Talk: Kids can smell a fib from a mile away. When talking about your absence, keep it real and age-appropriate. Honesty is the foundation of trust, and kids respect straight shooters, even when things are a bit complicated.

Consistency is Crucial: Trust grows with reliability. It's like a TV series you don't want to miss. Show them you're in it for the long haul – from cheering at football games to reading bedtime stories.

From Small Seeds Grow Mighty Trees

Find Common Ground: Discover shared interests – whether it's sports, cooking, or something else. Shared hobbies create connections and forge lasting memories.

Play The Long Game: Rebuilding trust is a marathon, not a sprint. If your child needs time to open up, be patient. Your persistence is your superpower here.

Every Win Counts

Even small wins are worth a fist bump. A shared joke, a heart-to-heart talk, or a successful day out - these moments are golden. They're the signs that the trust is returning, slowly but surely.

Lean on Your Squad

You're not in this alone. Tap into your support network – friends, family, or support groups. A problem shared is a problem halved, and sometimes a little dad-to-dad wisdom goes a long way.

Dad Power-Ups

  1. Set aside dedicated one-on-one time with your child regularly. It could be a weekly outing, a special meal together, or a bedtime routine that you consistently follow.

  2. Initiate open and age-appropriate conversations with your child about your absence and the steps you're taking to rebuild trust.

  3. Discover and nurture shared interests or activities that you both enjoy. Make an effort to engage in these activities together.

  4. Practice patience and empathy. Understand that rebuilding trust may take time, and your child's feelings and emotions are valid.

  5. Seek support from your network, whether it's friends, family, or support groups, to gain insights and advice from those who have experienced similar situations.

Rebuilding trust with our kids goes beyond fixing a bond; it's key to their life. Kids without dad involvement often face more academic and social struggles, impacting their overall well-being. But when we step in and rebuild that trust, it changes the game. It's not just mending a relationship; it's about boosting their confidence, showing the power of second chances, and teaching resilience.


Make your commitment accountable. Talk to your support network about what you are planning to do and ask for their help to hold you up through the process.


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